Propp’s Gallery Show “Encounters”

By Alexis SooHoo

FRIEZE Los Angeles 2020

From the moment I realized that art could be my future, I felt like I had been struck by lightning. Thus, the same way every project with an ounce of creative freedom has led back to art, this one will too. This semester, I had the opportunity to work with an LA art gallery. I learned how to mount and clean oil paintings properly without damaging the texture, how to delicately navigate art world egos and how to compose art show invitations with a flair.

Most of all, I learned how to look at art as a collector, dealer or artist would. Unlike masterpieces one would learn in art history, contemporary art is about creating a connection with a piece beyond contextualization and historical analysis. Every time you revisit a piece, you should see, think and feel something new. Viewing art is an interactive, visceral and aesthetic pursuit, too often sullied by the scathing opinion of critics and professors. Unfortunately, like the academic sellout I am, today I seek to create an interdisciplinary experience between literature and art.

Propp’s Art Gallery | Encounters is an art show that features a selection of my personal favorite contemporary pieces and universally acclaimed paintings. They are presented through six different Propp Function lenses, each providing different commentary or new perspective on classic tales. Each piece speaks towards an encounter with the Propp theme, they will touch upon the content, the creation process, the contextualization in the current day, or the piece’s experience in the art world. Regardless, they seek to modernize traditional storytelling techniques and allow each viewer to become the hero of their own fairytale.

Below, I attach a PDF document that describes each section of the art show. Click here to view the virtual show.
